Fire Prevention Through Yard Cleaning
I’m a lucky man. I spend most of my day talking to people. In fact, I may have talked with you already. I talk with all types of people from all types of places, but they all have one thing …
I’m a lucky man. I spend most of my day talking to people. In fact, I may have talked with you already. I talk with all types of people from all types of places, but they all have one thing …
According to the U.S. Forest Service (USFS), as many as 34 million acres of forestland could be lost in the United States during the next 50 years due to natural disasters and pest infestations. With the right information, you can …
Have you thought about buying property in Arizona? Here are 10 Fun Facts that might convince you that Arizona is the place for you. 1. In 1968 Robert P. McCulloch Sr. purchased the original London Bridge after it had been …
Are Solar Tiles the Roadways of the Future? Most people who commute everyday understand the frustration that happens when a road you use is being re-paved or repaired. An ice storm makes things even worse. And who hasn’t wished they …
An easement is a legal agreement between the property owner and a non-owner to utilize the property in some fashion. Two examples would be a shared driveway easement or a utility easement. Your name is on the deed, but your …
When one starts to consider going off the grid, it needs to be asked whether or not it’s worth it? There are extra costs involved and it takes work, not to mention changing your lifestyle. With that question in mind, …
Land University has provided many useful articles on the topic of improving undeveloped land. This article will be dedicated to a gross but important topic: poop. As the bestselling author Taro Gomi put it, “Everybody Poops”. Dealing with waste on …
In most cases, it is difficult to make money solely by living off the grid. However, most people that live off the grid have far lower monthly expenditures than the typical homeowner. This is like making extra money because that …
A waterfront property is often the most highly sought after type of property in the US. Whether the property is near a lake, river or ocean, it beckons with beauty and many leisure activities, such as fishing or swimming. Unfortunately, …