Land University

The web's land investment authority

Why It’s Time to Move to Michigan in 2023

By LandCentral

Michigan is calling! This Great Lake State is trending in 2023 and we know why. From affordable housing to stellar recreation, Michigan has everything you could ask for in a place to call home. So let’s dive in to LandCentral’s Why It’s Time to Move to Michigan in 2023:

Passive Vs Active Investing: Which Strategy Is Right for You?

By LandCentral

Content When Does Active Management Outperform Passive Management? Key differences between passive and active investing Overview of Active vs. Passive Investment Management Active managers may have more opportunities to find mispriced stocks in markets where information is less accessible. Small-cap …

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How To Prepare Your Land for Natural Disasters

By LandCentral

Natural disasters can be hard to predict. Sure, there’s supplies to purchase that may save you from mother nature’s wrath, but what about your land? What good is surviving if you don’t have land to survive on? That’s why we’re looking natural disasters in the face today and showing you How To Prepare Your Land for Natural Disasters:

Цена Gala Курс GALA сегодня, График GALA , Конвертер USD, Рыночная Капитализация

By LandCentral

Сейчас GALA базируется на блокчейне Ethereum и придерживается стандарта ERC-20. Fortified – это игра в жанре tower defense, действие которой происходит в фантастическом средневековом мире. Поскольку игровая индустрия, основанная на блокчейне, продолжает расширяться, справедливо предсказать, что GameFi будет играть значительную …

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By LandCentral

Информация не может рассматриваться в качестве гарантий или обещаний в будущем доходности вложений, уровня риска, размера издержек, безубыточности инвестиций. Результат инвестирования в прошлом не определяет дохода в будущем. Перед принятием инвестиционного решения Инвестору необходимо самостоятельно оценить экономические риски и выгоды, …

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Moving to Arizona City in 2023

By LandCentral

Arizona City is quickly becoming the place to move to in 2023. From its warm, sunny climate to its diverse population, the list is endless as to why this southwestern city is trending. So let’s dive right into why people are Moving to Arizona City in 2023.

Investing 101: Real Estate vs. Stocks

By LandCentral

Investing is all the rage these days. Thanks to the current economic climate, many are searching for safe ways to grow their wealth and protect their future. We figured we jump into the conversation with a basic overview of the two most popular investing paths.

Wild Horse Reservoir: What You Need to Know

By LandCentral

Wild Horse Reservoir is coming to Aurora, Colorado! This is a project years in the making and promises to bring relief to seasonal drought through water conservation. Since LandCentral has many properties located near the proposed Wild Horse Reservoir site, lets take a look at what you need to know about this new and much needed development.

Trash to Treasure: How to Increase the Value on Your Imperfect Lot

By LandCentral

Imperfect Lots are one of real estate’s best kept secrets. Not only are they cheaper to buy upfront, but with a little imagination you can increase your property value and ultimately, your profits. So check out LandCentral’s From Trash to Treasure – How to Increase the Value on Your Imperfect Lot:
