Land University

The web's land investment authority

Trash to Treasure: How to Increase the Value on Your Imperfect Lot

By LandCentral

Imperfect Lots are one of real estate’s best kept secrets. Not only are they cheaper to buy upfront, but with a little imagination you can increase your property value and ultimately, your profits. So check out LandCentral’s From Trash to Treasure – How to Increase the Value on Your Imperfect Lot:

Rare Large Acreage Lots On Sale Now!

By LandCentral

Looking for large acreage lots to call your own? Then you’ve come to the right place. While we specialize in raw land of all shapes and sizes spread out across the US, we’re highlighting our rare big lots for the land owners dreaming of something more. How big, you ask? Let’s find out. Check out LandCentral’s Rare Large Acreage Lots On Sale Now:

How Big Land Can Make You Big Money in 2022

By LandCentral

Big land is all the rage these days. From the pandemic reminding us to slow down to the looming recession highlighting the crisis for affordable living, Americans are turning to big land to invest in their future. And we’re not surprised. As large lot experts, we kind of saw this coming. So let’s get to it…

Gold Forecast, News and Analysis XAU USD

By LandCentral

The Japanese Yen struggles to capitalize on stronger domestic inflation-inspired intraday uptick. The BoJ rate-hike uncertainty, the upbeat market mood and elevated US bond yields cap the JPY. The USD climbs to a fresh year-to-date high and offers additional support …

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Live Gold Spot Price Chart

By LandCentral

The spot larry williams trading and investing books price of gold — or any commodity for that matter — represents the price at which the commodity may be exchanged and delivered upon now. This is in contrast to gold or …

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5 Unique Ways to Use Your Wild Land

By LandCentral

So you’ve bought a piece of wild land. Beautiful, raw land the way nature intended. Now what? Sure, you can dig a well, put in a septic, a road, a driveway, and build the house of your dreams in the seclusion of nature. And many of our customers do just that. But we’re here to tell you about the more creative possibilities you can explore. Some even make you money.

Дорогая лотерея для избранных: разбираем 7 мифов о торговле на бирже РБК Инвестиции

By LandCentral

Заполните в ней свои данные, и на выходе вы получите два файла. Один из них является публичным ключом, а другой – секретным. Первый предстоит зарегистрировать у брокера (либо на сайте в личном кабинете, либо отправив ключ по почте). В настройках …

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